5 Crazy Words and Phrases

Zhuge / 2014-09-29

Crazy Words and Phrases

I didn’t want to let anyone down, but I ended up letting many people down…

You always think you’re an outsider, but little do you know that you’re the one who is most deeply involved. All the things you have figured out about the world are nothing but a tiny grain of sand in the vastness of the universe.

Anyone who wants to harvest in the planting season will eventually achieve nothing.

You don’t speak, I don’t speak. This so-called happiness, you will never understand, I thought it was eternal…

You want to see how I fly, so I have to learn how to soar. Do you know that I like to wander with my feet on the ground?

I will never know what you’re thinking, I will never dare to guess; I will never know what you want to say, I will always agree with you; I don’t know what you like, I will never dare to do anything… Is the water in the river new or old?

All beauties are like calamitous waters, all makeup ends up as skeletons.

We get closer and closer, but we are going in opposite directions. Thank you, time, for giving me a period of deluded fantasies. Now, it’s time to say goodbye and never see each other again.

As time blurs some memories, it will surely etch others into your heart…

Pain is self-inflicted and has nothing to do with others. Just like how I will never know what I’m thinking, you will never know what I’m thinking now, and I will never dare to guess what you’re thinking…

I don’t know when you will understand, your pretentiousness is worthless.

The emotions kept in the heart will one day explode like a flood, either drowning others or drowning oneself.

You said we’re brothers, well, then let the knife pierce through our sides, never to part. I will always come when called upon and leave when waved away…

I can only use ridiculous sensitivity to maintain a pitiful dignity, to disguise a shameful inferiority.

Those who taught me to endure loneliness and enjoy loneliness, are you still lonely…

Three words that are more powerful than “I love you” are “I’ll wait for you.”

Loving you is a long and heartbreaking process, and I’m all alone in the chaos…

We look around, look up to each other, envy each other, and yet hesitate…

I also want to be a peaceful and quiet woman, a peaceful and quiet remaining years…

Those who once called me “brother”, where are you scattered now…

You said she is much freer than you think, much better at pretending to be free. And now you finally realize that it is not freedom, but a state of mind… You are like dust in her eyes.

If losing your memory is the price to get what you want, would you be willing?

You suddenly barged into my world, leaving me at a loss, and when I finally came to my senses, you were gone in a flash