
Zhuge / 2013-08-21


Like a shooting star

Streaking across your sky

Passing by in a hurry

I am just a visitor in your life

But when I pass by, it is not in the darkness

No matter how I burn myself

You cannot see my figure floating past

Like a pebble

Thrown into your calm lake

But unable to stir a ripple

I am just a visitor

Too small to cause even the slightest ripple in your life

Returning to being a visitor

Coldly observing this world

Buddha said

Once there is emotion, one cannot be just a visitor

I say

Even with emotion, I still drift like a piece of duckweed

The heart of a visitor is lonely and scattered

The appearance of a visitor is aged and weathered

Everything about a visitor has no connection with you

A visitor is just a visitor

In your world,

I will always be a visitor

In my world,

Is there a role for you?

The next time you gaze at the sky

Pay attention to every corner

Perhaps I will pass by

The world of visitors, the song of visitors

Visitors are wanderers in a visitor’s world

When tears dry up

It is the end of a visitor’s life

Has anyone shed tears for a visitor?

August 21, 2013