May Everyone Be Treated Gently by the World
Zhuge / 2015-01-01
Categories: Treated Gently / Tags: Treated Gently / Word Count: 198
May Everyone Be Treated Gently by the World
Everyone has entered 2015, leaving me behind in 2014. Dao Zhang sent his wishes, and I responded with joy; a junior sent her wishes, and I responded with joy; classmates left messages with wishes, and I responded with joy. I truly hope to be as happy as all of you.
Everyone is reminiscing, so I reminisce as well. The net of memories is too vast, unable to retrieve anything. The sands of 2014 flow into 2015, leaving behind large memories in 2014 while trivial matters spill into 2015. I am left behind in 2014, unable to cross over or squeeze through.
I say that I don’t want to disappear from your world like this, so I desperately make posts in order to leave a trace in your world. However, you close off your own worlds, not allowing even a faint breeze about me to enter. Zhang Jiajia insults me, calling my repetitive practice meaningless to all of you. I say that I am willing to be foolish. He says congratulations to me. Later, Zhang Jiajia says that the world only needs one fool like him. I think about it